Wednesday, April 20, 2005

News Headlines

    • In this editorial, the authors examine the safety of Lebanon from a Kuwaiti perspective. Despite being a "suck-up" editorial, the author, Melhim Karam Melhim, examined the development of reforms in Kuwait, and tied that to Lebanon's issues. Basically, the author wanted to talk about his recent visit to Kuwait and meeting the prime minister. It is not one of the better pieces out there, yet it is worth pointing to. You can find an Arabic copy in the latest issue of Al-Hawadeth magazine. Monday Morning

  • Did Boutros Ghali Benefit from Saddam Hussein's Regime? Maybe!
    • As the United Nation's oil-for-food scandal evolves, more and more accusations and fingers are being pointed. The latest being the invisible finger pointed at former UN Secretary Boutros Boutros-Ghali after revelations that Ghali was a good friend of South Korean businessman Tongsun Park. The problem is that Park accepted millions of dollars from Saddam Hussein's regime under the oil-for-food program, making his friendship with Ghali somewhat suspicious. Thank God Mr. Ghali took over the UN in January 1992! Oh, and Mr. Ghali can sue me if he does not like what is written here. He does have enough money now to do that! AP through New York Times

  • Future Security Challenges Facing the GCC
    • This is a well-written article about the future of the GCC from a security perspective. Michael Knights states that the "balance of power in the Persian Gulf is undergoing a radical reordering." If you are interested in security of the GCC, this is a must read. However, only an abstract is available. Jane's Intelligence Review

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