Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Health Impact of 1990 Iraqi Invasion - Harvard Study & Kuwait's FIFA World Ranking

Local media have recently picked up on the results of Phase I of Harvard's study on the public health impact of the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Basically, results showed that individuals who stayed in Kuwait during the ordeal are much more likely to suffer in terms of health. For more detailed results in English, CLICK HERE. For a brief summary in Arabic (PDF), CLICK HERE. The poor local media are focusing on whether the study intruded on privacy rights of patients, instead of examining the results, and elaborating on them. How typical!

Note: The study was conducted after the Kuwaiti government solicited the services of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) three years ago.

Note II: My brother was chosen as a sample in the study, and we were visited at home by representatives of HSPH (a man and a woman who were both Egyptian) who asked him to sign participation documents. However, they never showed up again! Maybe they realized that Kuwait was not the perfect place for research incorporating house-visits!

And please, keep the conspiracy theories at bay! This is not yet another Western conspiracy against Islam. It is merly a study that Kuwait will shove in the face of the UN to get compensation for environmental and health damages that resulted from the invasion of 1990.

Torched oil wells in Kuwait

In other news, the latest FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking released today showed Kuwait improving one position to 55th overall! This puts us ahead of the likes of China, Australia, Oman, Latvia, Wales, Algeria, and Scotland! Kuwait's next World Cup Qualifying opponent Uzbekistan also jumped one position to 53rd overall. Brazil retained its top spot.

FIFA: Kuwait improved from June 5th to July 5th despite June 8th quadruple by South Korea!

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