Kuwait and Guantanamo Bay
Following is a list of Kuwaiti idiots said to be currently detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. There is a long list of names and court documents related to these names provided by the Associated Press. If you know any name here, i recommend you go throw yourself in the garbage. To obtain the court documents, in pdf format, just click on a name.
they may have been mistaken in what they did ( if realy did what hte usa said they did )
but it doesn't give you the right to call them idiots or insults their relatives , don't be an ass
oh and i don't know anyone of them
having had some of my father friends and some realtives captured by iraiq's i know how their family feel right now
Knowing how it feels is not the same as feeling it. Besides, being in a war-torn country when you don't have to is idiocy. Comparing families of POWs to families of suspected terrorists is outrageous. Just because some of them have been released does not mean they are clean. Lack of evidence is not innocence. Evidence of that can be seen in the handful of Kuwaities killed in Iraq. These so called freedom-fighters ran back to Kuwait from their caves of Afghanistan, and shipped right out to Iraq. As for being an ass, that is just pitiful.
Edjamacated guy,
Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Maybe the garbage comment was a bit harsh but so is life. As for being decent, sorry if i don't live up to your standards of decency :) Btw these are only the "released" portions of the documents. Just because thse documents do not prove anything does not mean all is good. As for fact not opinion, news integrates editorial and in this instance, I practiced my editorial right.
Generally, sorry about the garbage comment. Maybe they should look for other ways of disposing of themselves. All comments welcome. Keep it coming.
Carla resurrection. Well, this was intended to be a "pointing" piece to the documents. It as not intended to be THE SOURCE. I clearly pointed to the AP who carried the story, to the Kuwaiti detainees, and to their documents. So basically, anyone interested does have the full ingredients to read further. I was not trying to do anything more. As for the idiots remark, I justified it earlier. Being in a war-torn country when you are not a citizen, a combatant, or when you really don't have to be there is idiocy. As for the garbage comment, well like I said, they can choose any other means of extermination. Why you ask? Well the families do take part of the blame since they are the ones responsible for raising their kids. And when your kid makes an insane decision to go to Afghanistan to dig a well, his family does take some blame. Why don't they go to Palestine to dig wells and build mosques and schools I wonder? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Poisonous ideology always finds defenders.
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