What happened to these two girls was very sad, I'm not trying to justify their actions but please I'm asking you to delete this post and not spread "Fethe7athom" mahma kan hathoolee banat o ister 3alehom!
Allah yaster 3alaihom wesa3ed ahalhom 3ala hal mishkila!
Please keep this disclosed, since knowing the nature of my people, it will be in everyones household. Imagine if you were related to or knew them, then Id think youd understand. Thanks.
Just FYI the news already hit Kuwait i got a call and they told me about it, i'm sure it will be in the Kuwaiti newspaper because the 2 girls fathers are well known. Sadly this will be another case just like the 2 Kuwaiti brothers in Florida, i think one returned home the other is still in jail.
yeah, I’ve already received a few SMS and MMS mgs that included the mugshots from the paper. The Islamists will grab this piece of news like vultures, but I’m against suppressing any part of it, let them and their families pay for their lack of concern for other human lives.
Tata like i said the news is already all over Kuwait, it's a small country and everyone will talk about it plus its mentioned in other blogs (and i'm not talking about blogger). What these 2 girls did is wrong and acted irresponsible Kuwaitis or not they have killed a man and no wa96a would get them out of it, this should be a lesson to all of us. I feel sorry for their families such a shame.
This is very shameful and embarrasing for the two known families of the girls. The two girls acted irresponsible and careless and they deserve the consequences.
As reema said, They took away a life. Who are they to take a life away? Only God is the one who takes and gives life. They have no right and so, they deserve what happened.
I hope this will be a lesson for the rest of us. God Bless
Thank you for your comments ladies and gentlemen. This is an unfortunate incident but news is news. Whether its these two girls or a different two its news. As for removing the post because they are girls, and the need to keep this under the carpet, I can say this...If they did not have the decency to respect their families and behave why should this news be supressed? If we were living in the 60s fine. Since we are in 2005, the news is THE NEWS whether its bint flan or wild flan. Finally, besides the news being splashed all over Kuwait by tomorrow morning, local media in the US are covering the story. So why again shall we suppress this? I think there is a place where they do these requests. Afghanistan anyone?
one more thing about removing it from the blog here.. it's a link to other places. I am in kuwait and people have to know what GOOD and BAD our people are doing outside kuwait. if u think ur away and no one can get to u.. think twice. May Allah bless us all, and help their families.
"Immagine the girls were from your family " you say? Well I say immagine the dead man was from family, what would you say then? would you have any sympathy then? would you try to cover up for the girls if the dead man was your brother, father or friend? The dead man has a family also you know!
The dead man was not supposed to be in the street. He was driving his motor skateboard illegally. The girls chose to drink but driving was a decision they made when they were not thinking straight. Give them a break! Haven't you ever done anything wrong? One day you'll appreciate the magnamity of what I am saying when you do something wrong and people won't stop criticizing you.
Well, If my mistake is this huge for people to criticize I think I wouldnt have any explanation to give because wrong is wrong. Whether I do it or you do it or two Kuwaiti girls do it, its the same. To the people that say what if they were your family? Abdul's blog wont change the fact that the thing happened! I think he's just leading people to the news. News spreads whether its him you hear it from or the other 700+ thousand kuwaitis on earth.
Ladies and Gentlemen, There is no right answer here. This is not a matter of 1+1=2. My take is that 1. This is a newsworthy story (remember the Kuwaiti guy in Missouri who got jailed when the maid he had filed charges? Remember the two brothers in Colorado I think?) and it will be published. Trying to use the logic of "Oh these are poor misguided girls" won't work because it is news. Trying to throw in family and "what if your sister" examples is just pathetic. 2. When this news is in the spotlight, it uncovers the truth of what people like to call the "upper-class." An example is how they made bail. 3. Freedom of expression is guranteed by the American constitution even for non-residents like myself. Trying to attack the messenger won't do you any good. 4. In 5 years nobody will remember the names of these girls, and they will probably live good lives and marry and have kids. Who cares? It's the news today. Tomorrow someone else is the news. Peace
It's so funny how the underpriveledged hate the priveledged and known families in kuwaiti society. So this is why you are being so unsupportive of these girls? Because they've got what u don't have? Yes, typical quarreling between the haves and have-nots. No matter how much you dislike the "upper-class" as you called their dads, they are still human beings, who made a mistake. They did not kill the guy on purpose. Keep remembering that.
Anon, You're completely missing the point here and I don't really have time to go for a haves and have-nots discussion (And people say these English comp classes are useless!). I do not dislike anyone (well maybe a few people here and there) but the fact of the matter is THIS IS NEWS PEOPLE! Nothing else. What the girls did, what they are going through, etc., is not a matter of interest for me. News is. Do you get the point? As for not killing the guy on purpose, yes your are right, but they could have chosen not to drink on purpose too. They could have done alot of positive things on purpose. As for remembering that, why would I want to use my memory on this again? Oh yes the haves and have-nots. Well, I prefer to be a have-not rather than a have who doesn't have the slightest respect for themselves or other human life. Enjoy your haves for now for tomorrow is a new day ;) Peace
They were out late, they were drinking, and finally, they were driving. They should have known that the odds did not favor them. C'est la vie. Now once this is over we will hear all sorts of stories about how the police fabricated this story. When it is the Kuwaiti police we will believe the "new" stories of how they "didn't" test them and where "have-nots" trying to catch a big fish, but since this is Arizona PD, good luck getting a backup story out there. In addition to it being 2.30 am it was a "school" night if they really did go to school. Maybe Thursday and Friday are holidays just like here in Kuwait. For the have person earlier, get a life!And a clear opinion while you're at it!
Simper, My comments were for the anonymous person sorry about the mix-up. I was referring to "It's so funny how the underpriveledged hate the priveledged and known families in kuwaiti society. So this is why you are being so unsupportive of these girls? Because they've got what u don't have? Yes, typical quarreling between the haves and have-nots. No matter how much you dislike the "upper-class" as you called their dads, they are still human beings, who made a mistake. They did not kill the guy on purpose. Keep remembering that."
My friend was murdered in Kuwait and the local authorities did absolutely nothing for him, as usual, it was all about saving face.
On October 10th 2001, Canadian Luc Ethier and his Filipina wife Mary Jean Bitos were shot in the streets of Fahaheel by an extremist. Luc died and Mary Jean sustained critical wounds that nearly took her life as well. At the time, we all believed that the Criminal Investigation Department and the State Security Department would do their best to find the killer. Instead, after Mary Jean recognized Majeed Al-Mutairi from police records, they turned against her and fabricated a case against the victim and five other Filipinos nationals.
Even though the prosecution wrote a 120 pages report formally accusing Majeed Al Mutairi of murdering Canadian citizen Luc Ethier for political motives, Al-Mutairi was released due to tribal and political pressure. As if it was not enough, Al-Mutairi’s lawyer Nawaf Sari Al-Mutairi went above the whole justice system to the national assembly and requested the Evidence Department be segregated from the prosecution. In my opinion, it shows how desperate he was to get rid of some incriminating evidences against his client.
Meanwhile, SSD Brig. Gen. Jassem Al-Kandari and CID Lt. Mahmoud Al-Ajelan had arrested five Filipinos (two men and three women) and had been forcing them to confess the crime so they could let Al-Mutairi off the hook without raising too much suspicion.
As Court of Appeal records show; Lt. Al-Ajelan told presiding Judge Salah Al-Fahad that he had kept Teddy Tomaro in jail more than four days (ten days) without an arrest warrant because he refused to confess!!! Teddy Tomaro, Jymmy Binuya, Noraiza Talib Esick, Rosalia Baclig and Delore Esperitus claimed they had been tortured until they agreed with the confession. Also, Mary Jean Bitos claimed that she was threatened by the police while she was still recovering in her hospital bed. “They told me they would never let me go back to the Philippines if I accuse Majeed Al-Mutairi and didn’t agree with Tomaro’s confession.”
What happened after is not much better. After they were acquitted by the Court of Appeal, Bitos and Tomaro were kept in jail illegally for two and half months. On April 1st 2003, 17 months after they were wrongly accused, the Court of Cassation also agreed to their innocence. Even after they were found not guilty by all levels of the justice system of this country, they were simply kicked out of Kuwait like rubbish. No apologies, no compensation, nothing. They were deported to the Philippines and blacklisted. Once again, the rule of law was ignored. According to the Constitution of Kuwait, you are considered innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. If this is true, why is the Ministry of Interior treating them like criminals even after being acquitted by the court of law?
Also, following the verdict of the court of cassation, the Canadian government requested the reopening of the investigation to get justice for Luc Ethier. It has been over two years now and still; the Kuwaiti government is ignoring the formal requests made by the Canada
Ironically, Majeed Al-Mutairi was rearrested earlier this year in connection with the shooting between the Lions of the Peninsula and the police forces and still, Kuwait continues to deny the obvious.
What this terrorist did was wrong but what the Ministry of Interior did with this case is even worst. Not only they let the killer go free, they also used innocent people to cover up the truth in a failed attempt to prove there were no terrorists in Kuwait.
A year ago, the Ministry of Interior issued a statement that denied allegations that the State Security had tortured the suspects held in connection with the insurgency in Iraq. The statement also expressed pride in the work that was carried out by the Ministry’s personnel in ensuring the safety of the public while upholding the rule of law. It also avowed that the Ministry would abide by the articles of the Constitution and principles of universal human rights.
After reading such statement, I couldn’t stop recalling everything the Ministry’s employees haven’t done for Luc and Mary Jean. Obviously, they miserably failed to ensure Luc and Mary Jean’s safety and, they did everything but uphold the rule of law and abide by the articles of the Constitution as well as the principles of human rights. It really makes me wonder if the Interior Minister is fully aware of what is going on in his Ministry. I wonder if he knows that some of his Ministry’s employees wrote 300 pages of false statements for the court when they fabricated the case against Mary Jean and by doing so, they committed perjury which is a crime punishable by law. I wonder if he is aware that when some of his Ministry’s employees diverted the investigation against innocent people they obstructed justice which is also a crime punishable by law.
In Luc’s case, I really wish the Interior Minister had those Ministry employees investigated and prosecuted for abusing the power they were entrusted with and for committing these illegal acts in their official capacity. Lately, we have heard a lot about the importance of fighting corruption and the fact that no one is above the law. Citizens and residents have been asked to help by reporting any illegal act by those who are abusing their power. Also, every once in a while we read about some official who pretends having an open door policy to help people with their problems. Reporting such illegal acts to the proper ministry is exactly what I have been doing for the past Three years but nobody is willing to do anything about it. Unless some people turn their words into actions, corruption and abuse of power are here to stay!
When I look back at what took place during this case, I’m so disappointed of the behavior of some individuals who have absolutely no respect for other human beings. The way they just used six innocent people without scruples and then get rid of them like nothing was wrong is beyond belief. All this to protect a criminal and save face!! The Ministry of Interior is supposed to protect the innocents and punish the criminals; not the opposite.
My friend Luc was a Gulf War veteran, this country pined a medal to his chest after the liberation of Kuwait. I thought this medal meant respect, honor and recognition from Kuwait but not anymore. If I had one, I would just give it back because I can’t accept the way my friend was disrespected, dishonored and simply let down by Kuwait.
Dear Ben, Your comment is greatly appreciated. It is unfortunate, and saddening to read the details of what happened in this case. I can only offer my deepest condolences to you and the family of the deceased. I cannot reply any further, since I am not aware of all the details. However, be sure that divine justice always prevails, whether humans try to stop it or not. Be sure that your friend's blood was not shed in vain, and justice will prevail sooner or later.
I dont believe we need to surpress what happened to these stupid girls. They deserved what they got. Without a doubt it is a punishment from God and they should pay for the consequences. Their families can pay all the money they got to bail out their daughters, but thank Allah there is no such thing called "was6a" in the United States as there is in Kuwait *rolls her eyes*. I just hope girls like them, who drink and commit other immoral acts will realise what it is they are doing and fear Allah. May Allah guide us all.
unknown the ppl that said forgive them or everyone does mistakes.well i guess these are kuwaities...well maybe i guess your right they did mistakes and evrybody DO make mistakes but we all get punished ya hal2 ya bil akhra....well thers alot who commit these things and maybe news is news and ppl are makin a big deal out of this..its not because its NEWS its just because us the arabs we r not used to hearing about arab females getting drunk or the worst killing someone....i really dotn know how to continue bes walla shwahtu sim3itna
What happened to these two girls was very sad, I'm not trying to justify their actions but please I'm asking you to delete this post and not spread "Fethe7athom"
mahma kan hathoolee banat o ister 3alehom!
Allah yaster 3alaihom wesa3ed ahalhom 3ala hal mishkila!
Please keep this disclosed, since knowing the nature of my people, it will be in everyones household. Imagine if you were related to or knew them, then Id think youd understand. Thanks.
Just FYI the news already hit Kuwait i got a call and they told me about it, i'm sure it will be in the Kuwaiti newspaper because the 2 girls fathers are well known. Sadly this will be another case just like the 2 Kuwaiti brothers in Florida, i think one returned home the other is still in jail.
yeah, I’ve already received a few SMS and MMS mgs that included the mugshots from the paper. The Islamists will grab this piece of news like vultures, but I’m against suppressing any part of it, let them and their families pay for their lack of concern for other human lives.
Tata like i said the news is already all over Kuwait, it's a small country and everyone will talk about it plus its mentioned in other blogs (and i'm not talking about blogger). What these 2 girls did is wrong and acted irresponsible Kuwaitis or not they have killed a man and no wa96a would get them out of it, this should be a lesson to all of us. I feel sorry for their families such a shame.
This is very shameful and embarrasing for the two known families of the girls. The two girls acted irresponsible and careless and they deserve the consequences.
As reema said, They took away a life. Who are they to take a life away? Only God is the one who takes and gives life. They have no right and so, they deserve what happened.
I hope this will be a lesson for the rest of us. God Bless
Thank you for your comments ladies and gentlemen. This is an unfortunate incident but news is news. Whether its these two girls or a different two its news. As for removing the post because they are girls, and the need to keep this under the carpet, I can say this...If they did not have the decency to respect their families and behave why should this news be supressed? If we were living in the 60s fine. Since we are in 2005, the news is THE NEWS whether its bint flan or wild flan.
Finally, besides the news being splashed all over Kuwait by tomorrow morning, local media in the US are covering the story. So why again shall we suppress this? I think there is a place where they do these requests. Afghanistan anyone?
U can check what their university's newspaper wrote too,
one more thing about removing it from the blog here.. it's a link to other places. I am in kuwait and people have to know what GOOD and BAD our people are doing outside kuwait. if u think ur away and no one can get to u.. think twice. May Allah bless us all, and help their families.
Couldn't have said it any better. Thank you :)
What a bunch of sick people you are!
"Immagine the girls were from your family " you say? Well I say immagine the dead man was from family, what would you say then? would you have any sympathy then? would you try to cover up for the girls if the dead man was your brother, father or friend? The dead man has a family also you know!
The dead man was not supposed to be in the street. He was driving his motor skateboard illegally. The girls chose to drink but driving was a decision they made when they were not thinking straight. Give them a break! Haven't you ever done anything wrong? One day you'll appreciate the magnamity of what I am saying when you do something wrong and people won't stop criticizing you.
Well, If my mistake is this huge for people to criticize I think I wouldnt have any explanation to give because wrong is wrong. Whether I do it or you do it or two Kuwaiti girls do it, its the same.
To the people that say what if they were your family? Abdul's blog wont change the fact that the thing happened! I think he's just leading people to the news. News spreads whether its him you hear it from or the other 700+ thousand kuwaitis on earth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
There is no right answer here. This is not a matter of 1+1=2. My take is that 1. This is a newsworthy story (remember the Kuwaiti guy in Missouri who got jailed when the maid he had filed charges? Remember the two brothers in Colorado I think?) and it will be published. Trying to use the logic of "Oh these are poor misguided girls" won't work because it is news. Trying to throw in family and "what if your sister" examples is just pathetic. 2. When this news is in the spotlight, it uncovers the truth of what people like to call the "upper-class." An example is how they made bail. 3. Freedom of expression is guranteed by the American constitution even for non-residents like myself. Trying to attack the messenger won't do you any good. 4. In 5 years nobody will remember the names of these girls, and they will probably live good lives and marry and have kids. Who cares? It's the news today. Tomorrow someone else is the news. Peace
It's so funny how the underpriveledged hate the priveledged and known families in kuwaiti society. So this is why you are being so unsupportive of these girls? Because they've got what u don't have? Yes, typical quarreling between the haves and have-nots. No matter how much you dislike the "upper-class" as you called their dads, they are still human beings, who made a mistake. They did not kill the guy on purpose. Keep remembering that.
You're completely missing the point here and I don't really have time to go for a haves and have-nots discussion (And people say these English comp classes are useless!). I do not dislike anyone (well maybe a few people here and there) but the fact of the matter is THIS IS NEWS PEOPLE! Nothing else. What the girls did, what they are going through, etc., is not a matter of interest for me. News is. Do you get the point? As for not killing the guy on purpose, yes your are right, but they could have chosen not to drink on purpose too. They could have done alot of positive things on purpose. As for remembering that, why would I want to use my memory on this again? Oh yes the haves and have-nots. Well, I prefer to be a have-not rather than a have who doesn't have the slightest respect for themselves or other human life. Enjoy your haves for now for tomorrow is a new day ;) Peace
what time did the unfortunate accident happen? is it really 2:30 am? just wondering!
They were out late, they were drinking, and finally, they were driving. They should have known that the odds did not favor them. C'est la vie. Now once this is over we will hear all sorts of stories about how the police fabricated this story. When it is the Kuwaiti police we will believe the "new" stories of how they "didn't" test them and where "have-nots" trying to catch a big fish, but since this is Arizona PD, good luck getting a backup story out there. In addition to it being 2.30 am it was a "school" night if they really did go to school. Maybe Thursday and Friday are holidays just like here in Kuwait. For the have person earlier, get a life!And a clear opinion while you're at it!
3asa ma shar..
My comments were for the anonymous person sorry about the mix-up. I was referring to "It's so funny how the underpriveledged hate the priveledged and known families in kuwaiti society. So this is why you are being so unsupportive of these girls? Because they've got what u don't have? Yes, typical quarreling between the haves and have-nots. No matter how much you dislike the "upper-class" as you called their dads, they are still human beings, who made a mistake. They did not kill the guy on purpose. Keep remembering that."
Kuwait's first terrorist victims
My friend was murdered in Kuwait and the local authorities did absolutely nothing for him, as usual, it was all about saving face.
On October 10th 2001, Canadian Luc Ethier and his Filipina wife Mary Jean Bitos were shot in the streets of Fahaheel by an extremist. Luc died and Mary Jean sustained critical wounds that nearly took her life as well. At the time, we all believed that the Criminal Investigation Department and the State Security Department would do their best to find the killer. Instead, after Mary Jean recognized Majeed Al-Mutairi from police records, they turned against her and fabricated a case against the victim and five other Filipinos nationals.
Even though the prosecution wrote a 120 pages report formally accusing Majeed Al Mutairi of murdering Canadian citizen Luc Ethier for political motives, Al-Mutairi was released due to tribal and political pressure. As if it was not enough, Al-Mutairi’s lawyer Nawaf Sari Al-Mutairi went above the whole justice system to the national assembly and requested the Evidence Department be segregated from the prosecution. In my opinion, it shows how desperate he was to get rid of some incriminating evidences against his client.
Meanwhile, SSD Brig. Gen. Jassem Al-Kandari and CID Lt. Mahmoud Al-Ajelan had arrested five Filipinos (two men and three women) and had been forcing them to confess the crime so they could let Al-Mutairi off the hook without raising too much suspicion.
As Court of Appeal records show; Lt. Al-Ajelan told presiding Judge Salah Al-Fahad that he had kept Teddy Tomaro in jail more than four days (ten days) without an arrest warrant because he refused to confess!!! Teddy Tomaro, Jymmy Binuya, Noraiza Talib Esick, Rosalia Baclig and Delore Esperitus claimed they had been tortured until they agreed with the confession. Also, Mary Jean Bitos claimed that she was threatened by the police while she was still recovering in her hospital bed. “They told me they would never let me go back to the Philippines if I accuse Majeed Al-Mutairi and didn’t agree with Tomaro’s confession.”
What happened after is not much better. After they were acquitted by the Court of Appeal, Bitos and Tomaro were kept in jail illegally for two and half months. On April 1st 2003, 17 months after they were wrongly accused, the Court of Cassation also agreed to their innocence. Even after they were found not guilty by all levels of the justice system of this country, they were simply kicked out of Kuwait like rubbish. No apologies, no compensation, nothing. They were deported to the Philippines and blacklisted. Once again, the rule of law was ignored. According to the Constitution of Kuwait, you are considered innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. If this is true, why is the Ministry of Interior treating them like criminals even after being acquitted by the court of law?
Also, following the verdict of the court of cassation, the Canadian government requested the reopening of the investigation to get justice for Luc Ethier. It has been over two years now and still; the Kuwaiti government is ignoring the formal requests made by the Canada
Ironically, Majeed Al-Mutairi was rearrested earlier this year in connection with the shooting between the Lions of the Peninsula and the police forces and still, Kuwait continues to deny the obvious.
What this terrorist did was wrong but what the Ministry of Interior did with this case is even worst. Not only they let the killer go free, they also used innocent people to cover up the truth in a failed attempt to prove there were no terrorists in Kuwait.
A year ago, the Ministry of Interior issued a statement that denied allegations that the State Security had tortured the suspects held in connection with the insurgency in Iraq. The statement also expressed pride in the work that was carried out by the Ministry’s personnel in ensuring the safety of the public while upholding the rule of law. It also avowed that the Ministry would abide by the articles of the Constitution and principles of universal human rights.
After reading such statement, I couldn’t stop recalling everything the Ministry’s employees haven’t done for Luc and Mary Jean. Obviously, they miserably failed to ensure Luc and Mary Jean’s safety and, they did everything but uphold the rule of law and abide by the articles of the Constitution as well as the principles of human rights. It really makes me wonder if the Interior Minister is fully aware of what is going on in his Ministry. I wonder if he knows that some of his Ministry’s employees wrote 300 pages of false statements for the court when they fabricated the case against Mary Jean and by doing so, they committed perjury which is a crime punishable by law. I wonder if he is aware that when some of his Ministry’s employees diverted the investigation against innocent people they obstructed justice which is also a crime punishable by law.
In Luc’s case, I really wish the Interior Minister had those Ministry employees investigated and prosecuted for abusing the power they were entrusted with and for committing these illegal acts in their official capacity. Lately, we have heard a lot about the importance of fighting corruption and the fact that no one is above the law. Citizens and residents have been asked to help by reporting any illegal act by those who are abusing their power. Also, every once in a while we read about some official who pretends having an open door policy to help people with their problems. Reporting such illegal acts to the proper ministry is exactly what I have been doing for the past Three years but nobody is willing to do anything about it. Unless some people turn their words into actions, corruption and abuse of power are here to stay!
When I look back at what took place during this case, I’m so disappointed of the behavior of some individuals who have absolutely no respect for other human beings. The way they just used six innocent people without scruples and then get rid of them like nothing was wrong is beyond belief. All this to protect a criminal and save face!! The Ministry of Interior is supposed to protect the innocents and punish the criminals; not the opposite.
My friend Luc was a Gulf War veteran, this country pined a medal to his chest after the liberation of Kuwait. I thought this medal meant respect, honor and recognition from Kuwait but not anymore. If I had one, I would just give it back because I can’t accept the way my friend was disrespected, dishonored and simply let down by Kuwait.
Dear Ben,
Your comment is greatly appreciated. It is unfortunate, and saddening to read the details of what happened in this case. I can only offer my deepest condolences to you and the family of the deceased. I cannot reply any further, since I am not aware of all the details. However, be sure that divine justice always prevails, whether humans try to stop it or not. Be sure that your friend's blood was not shed in vain, and justice will prevail sooner or later.
I dont believe we need to surpress what happened to these stupid girls. They deserved what they got. Without a doubt it is a punishment from God and they should pay for the consequences. Their families can pay all the money they got to bail out their daughters, but thank Allah there is no such thing called "was6a" in the United States as there is in Kuwait *rolls her eyes*. I just hope girls like them, who drink and commit other immoral acts will realise what it is they are doing and fear Allah. May Allah guide us all.
May the Power be with you!
the ppl that said forgive them or everyone does mistakes.well i guess these are kuwaities...well maybe i guess your right they did mistakes and evrybody DO make mistakes but we all get punished ya hal2 ya bil akhra....well thers alot who commit these things and maybe news is news and ppl are makin a big deal out of this..its not because its NEWS its just because us the arabs we r not used to hearing about arab females getting drunk or the worst killing someone....i really dotn know how to continue bes walla shwahtu sim3itna
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